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Special measures for the protection of paragliding participants and pilots during the Covid19 pandemic from June 6, 2020


Version: 2020.05.02.0001

Author: David Ferrer Llanes with courtesy of Dr. Andy Piers



From 06 June 2020 the Federal Administration of Switzerland (Bundesverwaltung[1]) has re-allowed certain sports, including paragliding. Further, the Swiss Free Flight Association[2] has allowed the restarting of tandem flights, provided that a plan to protect both pilots and passengers is in place.


Key safety measures

The very nature of tandem flying places the pilot and the passenger in close contact. This can be for as short as 10 minutes or could be for several hours. Because Covid19 is an invisible risk, we are taking a conservative approach, summarised in the following measures:


·Mutual responsibility

The pilot will only take passengers if he has been free from any symptoms[3] of Covd19 for the last 14 days. Similarly, we will require all passengers certify, on the same form as the waiver of liability, that they have been free from any symptoms for the last 14 days. If any passenger cannot make such a declaration, they will be advised to immediately return home, isolate, and contact their doctor.


·Protective clothing

In addition to the normal clothing for participating in paragliding, both the pilot and the passenger will wear a protective face covering and gloves whenever they are closer than 2m. Face coverings will be offered to the passenger if they have not brought their own. No flights will proceed without such face coverings.



Other than (1) in preparing for the flight and (2) during the flight (including the landing), the passenger, their observers, and the pilot will remain separated by at least 2m. Of necessity, this means that the passengers and the pilot must travel separately to the paragliding site.


If the travel to the launch site requires the use of mountain transport infrastructure, the pilot, the passenger, and any observers will wear face coverings and gloves.


During the start, the flight and the landing, direct body contact may be unavoidable. During these stages of the activity, the pilot and passenger should be sufficiently clothed to avoid any direct skin-to-skin contact.



Hand washing plays an essential role in combating infection. The pilot and passenger are expected to wash their hands with soap and water before and after the activity in order to protect yourself and those around you. If this is not possible, then alcohol-based hand sanitisers may be used.


If the passenger or pilot needs to sneeze or cough, they are expected to do so far removed from other people, and absorb the air into their own (clothed) elbow or face mask.


·Records of attendance

A record of all passengers will be retained, together with contact details. This record will be kept for a minimum of 30 days. The passenger will be expected to agree to this retention of data by signing form for the waiver of liability. The full list of participants will be made available to the certified health authorities on request, and without any need for further consent from the participants. The passenger may, in turn, be expected to provide a comprehensive list of contacts over the 14 days preceding the activity.



The creation of this document, record keeping, and ensuring adherence to these measures is with the pilot:

If you have any questions, please contact us directly




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